Sunday 27 November 2011

Moving Apps to SD Card

There are various applications available for free on Android market. On my Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray, I have installed App2SD (free version) and there is always a PRO version which will allow you to move applications life time until you move on!!!

Well its very easy to download these applications using AnDROID market :-)

You can do an automatic installation using link here APP2SD (Free Version), this is compatible on Sony Ericsson Xperia Ray. This package will not be compatible on all devices, I suggest you to search other software developers and most used are Application Manager, Link 2 SD, etc. other AnDROID related devices click here.

Below are the screens from my mobile, which will help you on How to move apps using App2SD.

Not all applications are movable, apps which are packed with the device are kept on the phone.

Many of you newbees to AnDROID would have wondered why you are still not able to move applications or want to move non-movable application to your SD card??? Well, for that you require special (root) permissions on your smartphone! And for root permissions you should root  AnDROID device, I will describe about rooting in my next post!!

Friday 28 October 2011

Installing *.cer & *.pfx certificates on AnDROID

I know, you might be thinking how did I come up with this??? Ah, nothing specific just read various documents about Android!!

And don’t be worried about installing a Security & Personal certificate, that’s easy like renaming a file hehehe…

Before starting about installation part, let me explain you why you are not able to install cer & pfx… It is not supported with that extension, that’s all..!!!

“Okay, so what should I be doing” is your question right?? Well here its goes, the secret: p

Android supports DER-encoded X.509 certificates, saved in files with a .crt file extension (if your certificate file has a .cer, .der, or other extension, you must change it to .crt or you won’t be able to install it).

Android also supports X.509 certificates saved in PKCS#12 key store files with a .p12 extension (if your key store has a .pfx or other extension, you much change it to .p12 or you won’t be able to install it). When you install a certificate from a PKCS#12 key store, Android also installs any accompanying private key or certificate authority certificates contained in the key store.

After all the renaming of the certificate file, installing certificates on your handheld is very easy.  You don’t even need to search certificates on your phone, Android finds and installs for you; see that easy it is!!

How to install the certificates??

On your Android devices, click the Menu!
Go to “Settings”
Click “Location & security settings”
Scroll down a bit and click “Install from SD card”, and follow few more steps, that’s all we are done!!

      Here are some of the screens Sony Ericsson Xperia™ ray which shows how to install a certificate...